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About Us

Shirley Whing


Whing Resilience Success Coaching (WRSC) embraces the vision that everyone in the world thrives with mental health, Abundance Mindset & EQ Skills to create lifelong joy and success.

WRSC was established in Jan, 2021. Founder, Confidence and Success Principle Coach Ms. Shirley Whing Chow applies over 30 years of international performance coaching, team leadership skills, and world-class success tools to boost personal breakthrough skills and abundance mindset for women, parents and youth.

Training courses and services include:

  1.  SEIP – America’s most comprehensive and Fortune 500 companies trusted Social-Emotional Intelligence assessment (online)
  2. Adult or youth success mindset course Life Engineer (⁠based on Jack Canfield’s world-famous Success Principles (Live-online classes plus home-study videos)
  3. Life Magician, a result-driven Law of Attraction course (home-study videos plus Whatsapp support and LIVE Q & A)
  4. ⁠Life CEO private, 1-on-1 personal coaching for serious life hacking.
  5. From Zero to Shero video podcast interview featuring your inspiring transformation journeys to the world


I have been actively speaking globally about mental health and female empowerment for institutions such as The Women Economic Forum, G100 Global Networking, the World Academy for the Future of Women, Women of Hearts Foundation, Global Tea Party, and the Education 2.0 Conference etc. I am very grateful for advancing SDG goals in the following roles:

  • Mental Health Advocate for Children & Women
  • Life CEOLife Engineer and Life Magician Course Creator
  • Jack Canfield Success Principles Trainer & Social-Emotional Intelligence Coach
  • Speaker & Educator with 6 global awards
  • 3-time Amazon bestselling Resilience author
  • 2023 Outstanding Leadership Awardee – Education 2.0 Conference, Dubai
  • Host of Video Podcast From Zero to Shero 
  • G100 Global Networking HK Chairwoman
  • Keep Smiling Ambassador
  • Proud Survivor of Childhood Trauma, PTSD, Clinical Depression and Self Harm

I am grateful that they have recognized my dedication with different awards. The power of WE is what truly inspires and transforms us. Let’s co-create joy and success. You can connect with me at :


Read about my work:

7 international awards 

The World Academy for the Future of Women

The World Academy for the Future of Women

The Women Economic Forum
Los Angeles, USA

Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All & Exceptional Women of Excellence

Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All & Exceptional Women of Excellence

The Women Economic Forum
Los Angeles, USA

Woman of Resilience & Motivation Award

Woman of Resilience & Motivation Award

Women of Hearts Foundation
London, England

2020 Outstanding Woman Award

2020 Outstanding Woman Award

Jessica Magazine
Hong Kong

Woman of Resilience & Motivation, Exceptional Leader

Woman of Resilience & Motivation, Exceptional Leader

Face of Woha
London, England

Woman of Resilience & Motivation, Diversity Ambassador Leader

Woman of Resilience & Motivation, Diversity Ambassador Leader

Face of Woha
London, England

Education 2.0 - Outstanding Leadership Award

Education Conference
Dubai, UAE

YouTube channel

Learn, Laugh, Love and Lead. Let's share, grow and shine together!

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